A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Sir Knight, we have grave news...

The barracks water heater is 30 years old and in dire need of repair. Without hot water, how will we do our Knightly duties? They say the path to strength comes with proper rest and relaxation—are we to do so at less than 100% of our strength? 

Nothing would be worse than having it leak everywhere while on a crusade.

I'm afraid our coffers are thin after hiring the local wizard to install what he calls "air conditioning." (although I must say, that was quite the use of our coin -- I've never been so comfortable on a hot summer day.)

Sir Knight, please traverse the lands and collect exactly 100 coins so we may live comfortably. 

You're our only hope.


Mr. Knight and the 100 Coins is a single-level platformer built using Godot 4.2, which follows Brackeys' How to make a Video Game - Godot Beginner Tutorial. Both of these resources were made available out of the love of the craft - if you've enjoyed small projects in the past or want to support me, please give his video a Like.

This game was made to practice game development. While I have spent much time sanding down rough edges, I only do this in my free time as a hobby. Come in with expectations that this is a hobby project by a fella trying to figure things out, and you'll leave pleased as a peach. 

If you're looking to support me as a developer, know that simply carving out 5 minutes to play is more than enough. If you want to do more, feel free to follow me on itch.io, on Twitter, or email me your top 3 sandwich toppings (or your thoughts on my game), and I'll get back to you. 

If you want to show your support with American dollars, I have a ko.fi, which I exclusively use to purchase Jimmy John's #10 Sandwiches. One day I would like to pay my Mortgage with money made from being a silly little goofball making games that would make 13 year old me giggle with excitement, but for now, sandwiches will do.



  • A/S or Left/Right to move
  • Space to Jump - Space in the air to Double Jump



SPRITES by analogStudios_,  RottingPixels, Brackeys, and myself

Knight from camelot_, Slime from dungeonSprites_, World Tileset and Fruit from Four Seasons Platformer Tileset, Platforms and Coin from Four seasons platformer sprites.

MUSIC by Brackeys, Sofia Thirslund

SOUNDS by Brackeys, Asbjørn Thirslund

FONTS by Jayvee Enaguas - HarvettFox96.


  • Coin Collecting! 100 of them, to be exact.
  • Simple platforming challenges
  • Exploration and a few small secrets
  • Exactly one (1) song
  • 5-15 minutes of entertainment




Download and run the exe. It's that simple.


Unfortunately, unless I pay the $99 Apple Developer Program tax, you'll have a few extra steps to walk through. They're simple, I promise.

1. Download the Zip file, double click on it from your Downloads folder to extract. 

2. Drag the game from this folder to your Applications folder

3. Double-click on the game from your Applications folder to open it. You'll get a scary looking warning from your computer telling you this could be BAD. Ignore this and hit OK

Please do not contact the developer for more information, he does not have $99 to spend on fixing this. 

4. In your Applications folder, right click on the game, click 'Open' 

5. The scary warning will display once more, but this time you'll be able to bypass it by clicking "Open" 

After this final step, you can launch the game without jumping through hoops. 


mr_knight_and_the_100_coins_windows.exe 69 MB
mr_knight_and_the_100_coins_macos.zip 47 MB

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